Monday, July 13, 2009

Credit Websites

What is a credit website? At Tri Auto we own several domains that we use on mailers. The purpose of these websites is to collect credit applications for the dealers we work with throughout their sales. Check out one of the sites for yourself: How do they work?
  1. The customer will go to the site and fill out their credit information.
  2. When they click "submit" they authorize the dealership to pull their credit record.
  3. The lead is then sent to the specified contact(s) at the dealership.
  4. The dealership contact can then pull a credit report and find an appropriate vehicle before calling them back to follow up.
Why would I use a credit website?
  • We find the simple nature of these sites produce more credit leads than sending people to the dealership's website. It's quick & simple and no one has to search for the credit application page.
  • Many people feel more comfortable filling out credit info in the privacy of their own home, they also know you know their history before calling them--which takes any awkward feelings out of he phone conversation.
  • People want to communicate in the ways they feel most comfortable-some like to come in, others will call, and this gives those that prefer the Internet an option to contact you.
  • Why wouldn't you? It just creates more leads from your marketing!

Example of a credit lead:

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