Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Wrong Traffic

Is there such a thing as "bad traffic" in your dealership? Six months ago if you asked dealers that most would probably reply with an emphatic "no!" Just having bodies in the door to keep the salespeople off the roof was refreshing for a lot of stores. Things are changing though, the public is loosening up and sales numbers are up across the board. I'm hearing from more and more clients that things are just better, they are busier and the mood has certainly lifted.

So let's be honest for a minute. Has your dealership ever put on a big event promotion, probably involving a gift for coming in, that's brought in hundreds of people? How many sales were made and what was the gross? In the last three months I've worked with one store that had 485 ups and sold 3 cars and another that averages right around 300 ups every month and grosses between $150k and $200k like clockwork. What's the difference?

Probably a lot of things.

I think the bottom line comes down to the sales staff and management attitude. Before doing the big dog and pony show assess your staff, do they know how to take a gift getter and turn them into a buyer? Are they tenacious enough to work 10 leads hard to find the one that might buy today?
Do you or your management team believe it's possible to "take a gift grabber to a thinker to a looker to a buyer (to quote Mr. Tim Ditonto of Ditonto & Associates)?"
If the answer to these questions are "no" then let's talk about alternatives to the high traffic events, OR about helping prepare the team for this new type of sale.

Every store has its own culture, sales process and image. Be sure the marketing you are putting out there matches your store. Give me a call - let's talk about your store and put together a personalized solution.

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