Friday, June 19, 2009

Cash for Clunkers Bill set to Pass

Cash for Clunkers is all but passed as it awaits the President's signature. For those of you that aren't aware this will go into effect on any vehicles sold after July 1.
Here's a site that has a lot of questions & answers about the bill on it. It's could be a good idea to drop the website into some of your marketing to help educate your customers & your market.
There are a lot of opinions out there concerning the bill, I found this quick blog post an interesting commentary on it.
Regardless of if you love it or hate it--I think you'll be missing out if you don't' take advantage of the marketing gains with something like this.
We already have a piece ready to go, if you're thinking of promoting it with mail shoot me an email. I'd also love to hear from YOU what your thoughts are on the bill in general.

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