Friday, April 3, 2009

How to use MarketVision Part 3-Improving Future Events

How to use MarketVision Part 3-Improving Future Events
Early this year I did a post on how to use MarketVision to lower your cost & increase response, this is the way MarketVision can best impact your ROI and the total value of your mailers. Below is a Cliff's Notes version of a few things to make sure you take a look at before your next event. 1. Log on to the Tri-Auto website to access your total MarketVision report from your last sale or sales. 2. Take a look at how your traffic was spread out. Were you slammed the first 2 days and it slowed down later, or vice versa? We suggest certain things when it comes to mail drops, but every market is different. On the next sale we could look at dropping a little differently to get more even traffic throughout. 3. Check out how much traffic each salesperson handled. There tend to be a lot of variations on this part of the report. Dig in a little on closing ratio & days worked. This is a great opportunity to give positive recognition to those that took full advantage of the traffic and coach those that did not. 4. Take a look at your zip codes. Katy will put together a full Zip Code Analysis for you after a couple of sales, but just get familiar for what areas did well and which did not. This can help tremendously on increasing response for the next sale. 5. Add the lead list to your CRM. If you need help converting it to a specific file just let us know. 6. Reference your vehicles sold to the lead list from MarketVision to determine your true ROI on the sale. 7. Take the time for a 15-20 minute conversation with me to go over what you found and let's discuss ways to make your next event even more successful!

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