Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to Use MarketVisionPart 1-Data & Reporting

With the new release of our entire business philosophy coming at you quickly, I realized there are several basics I have failed to cover in the Diva blog. The next few posts are going to be focused on those of you that know or want to know us over at Tri-Auto and how to use some of the tools we provide. I LOVE talking to dealers & their sales people about how to most effectively take advantage of these things and am happy to join your pre-sale sales meeting via conference call to discuss them as well.
How to Use MarketVision-Part 1 Data & Reporting
This is going to be a level 200 course on MarketVision, if you don't know the basics, please check out the quick video here to see what it is and how it works. Getting started: 1. Go to and click "client Login" in the upper right 2. Click "new account"and fill in the quick info 3. Call me or Katy and let us know you've done this and we'll set you up with your online account. The account allows you to access all MarketVision data from your current sale and all other sales from the past. It also gives you access to "sign" paperwork online in the future Prepping the sales team: 1. Make sure to stress the importance of getting as much info as possible from the ups as they come in. These are going to be future lead lists, you need emails & phone numbers to follow up! BONUS TIP: Many dealers spiff their salespeople or have a contest for who can collect the most emails or phone numbers! 2. Double check that each sales person has their own key tag that allows them to scan in before each person they talk to. This is how we track which salesperson talked to which person. 3. The only way people can find out what they've won is by using the MarketVision kiosk, this should insure that every person scans in their mailer & inputs their info. Throughout the sale: 1. Log in, at the very least, every morning and check your reports. 2. From your log in page you can see, how much traffic you've had, how many people each salesperson has talked to, the number of incoming phone calls from the mailer, and how each zip code is performing. 3. Print off each salesperson's lead list in the morning and pass them out. During any downtime it would be a great opportunity to call every person they spoke to and thank them for coming in and answer any other questions they might have. 4. This would also be a good time to take a quick gauge on the closing ratio of each salesperson-if they talked to 23 people and didn't sell a car it might be a great time for a quick sales training session. At the close of the sale: 1. Figure your ROI, check the number of cars you sold against the MarketVision list--I imagine no other form of marketing can you help you find out exactly what you gained from it so quickly. 2. Figure your closing ratio--and talk to your team about ways to improve. 3. Print out entire lead list-either by sales rep or the master list--continue to follow up! (more on this later) 4. Have a wrap up sales meeting, share the data with your staff and give kudos to those that registered a lot of ups, had the highest closing ratio, got the most contact info, etc. 5. Take a hard look at the zip code report. After 3 MarketVision sales we'll do a formal analysis for you with recommendations, but even after 1 sale you'll see a clear line between which zips worked well, and which didn't. Most of the data is figured for you-but if you'd like help on looking at your ROI or closing ratio I'm happy to assist with both. So many dealers love the practical application of the kiosk throughout the sale, but a lot are missing out on all the great tools on the back end.

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