Friday, September 12, 2008

Credit Amnesty Events

The past few weeks the elusive "Credit Amnesty Events" have been popping up again. In a lot of states these are not considered illegal, and quite effective, however there has been some nasty backlash recently. An Illinois dealer is facing the possibility of hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines over this theme, click on the title of this post for the whole story. All dealers need to be aware of the laws in their state. Reading through the guidelines that are spewed from the AG's offices can be mind numbing and confusing...and on top of that contradictory and vague. Direct mail seems to be the area targeted the hardest when it comes to these books of laws and "suggestions." Be sure your printer, mail house or marketing firm is also up to date on the legalities in your state. They should be able to red flag certain hooks and offers for you, and at the very least be sure you are covered in your disclaimers. Back to the "Credit Amnesty Events" if you conduct business in any of the states away from this title or offer. If you aren't on the list it doesn't deem you "safe" it just means there haven't been any recent fines handed down in your area for using it. And while we're talking about disclaimers, here's mine: I'm not a lawyer, and am not able to give "legal advice" I'm just well informed so that dealers I consult avoid fines as much as possible. Happy Friday! Alaska Arizona Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Iowa Kansas Louisiana Maine Montana New Jersey New York North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Vermont Washington Wisconsin

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