Happy Hump Day!!
Exciting news this Wednesday from Tri - Auto, a week or so ago we came out with a brand new product, I believe it's brand new to the direct mail game in general, but who can be sure? :)
I wanted to wait until I heard from a few clients before posting on this product, but the reviews are in and everyone loves it, our first round of them are going to press this week so I'll be sure to update when we have the Marketvision results on how it's performing.
We took the best parts of all of our best pieces to come up with this one, here's what we're seeing work right now:
-High Quality Paper Stock. I used to be a believer that it was the message that counted, not what it was printed on. Wrong. For example, we just looked at one specific product that we commonly print in three different paper types, here are the results:
- High Gloss, heavy stock (100# gloss) - 1.41% response
- 70# Gloss (standard gloss paper for most companies) - 1.0% response
- 75# Matte (high bulk) - .77% response
- These are the averages of all our sales compiled using Marketvision data from the past 6 mos.
-Slapping a key on it. It doubles response. Still doing better than a credit card. 'Nuff said.
-Self Mailer vs. Envelope. The self mailer is winning all the time now. Not just any self mailer will do though - toss your 11x17 tri - fold self mailer right out the window.
So we added up all these things that we actually know to be true. As you know we aren't guessing or relying on registration cards from dealers anymore, or even a human being greeter at the door counting people. We have real, online, in real time data that is collected from 95% of our promotions now.
If you want to see the Roll Fold Mailer - email me. We have three different versions - one that is prize focused, one that is event focused, and one that is image focused. Yesterday we designed a tax one and they'll be more after that. You want to see this one.